When I collected the Hauser it was in need of some TLC. It didn’t look as though it had been abused, just well used. Bit by bit I dismantled it until just the bare bones remained:
Once the parts had been cleaned, the reassembly was relatively quick and very satisfying. The next photo shows the vertical slide and X axis slides back in place. I discovered that the rack for moving the vertical slide was missing; if I decide I want to use the automatic action on this axis I will provably buy a new rack from HPC.
During disassembly I also found that one of the eccentric bolts for securing the cutter headstock had been sheared. I wanted to replace this, so set about making a new one from tool steel. The dimensions were taken from the other eccentric bolt, with the off-centre part turned by inserting a the bolt in a larger collet and pushing it off centre using a paper spacer.
With a bit of help from a friend, the machine was made ready for powering up. I had previously connected power, at which point there were two loud “pops”, which turned out to be from the motor and from the fuses. The insulation on the tails between the motor terminals and the coils had perished to the point that at least one of the phases was shorting to the motor case, so we put on a replacement motor.